Mi.588-597 (04.10.1935)
Traditional Costumes
Cover sent from Pforzheim to an address in Glendale, Brooklyn USA. Featuring various stamps, including Mi.588 and Mi.594 from the Traditional Costumes issue. Ref: 22.10.1935 - 17/58
Mi.588 - 597
Germany Emergency Aid: Traditional Costumes
Notes:Â Design: Karl Diebitsch (after photographs by Hans Retzlaff). Recess printing. Sheets 10 x 10. Swastika watermark. Perf. 14. Quantity issued: unknown. Valid until 31.12.1936
The 40+35 Pf value exists in two distinct colours: lilac and purple (Source: Harper & Scheck)
Note on Mi.588: With the rise of Adolf Hitler to power in the early 1930s, the Nazis used Malbork Castle as a destination for annual pilgrimages of both the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls. The Teutonic Castle at Marienburg served as a blueprint for the Order Castles of the Third Reich built under Hitler's reign. In 1945 during fighting in the area, more than half the castle was destroyed.
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