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29th June 1935


Cover featuring a block of four 'Ostropa' stamps (Mi.576-579) as taken from Mi. Block 3. Also featuring two commemorative cancellations including two 'schiffspost' (dated 30.06.1935). Ref: 29.06.1935 - 9/20


further information on these stamps can be found here


During the OSTROPA exhibition attendees were given the opportunity to sail on a one-day excursion.Two special cancellations were made for mail posted during these trips.

Cranz-Rossitten: 27th June 1935. A one-day service between the baltic coastal towns of Cranz and Rossitten.

Grosses Moosbruch: 30th June 1935. A one-day service for OSTROPA visitors.

Unsure of destination. Possibly the same as above.

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