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Hindenburg 1936/37 Booklet (08.1936/04.1937)

Hindenburg 1936/37 Booklet
Hindenburg 1936/37 Booklet

Cover featuring stamps from the Hindenburg 1936/37 booklet issue (H-pane 87) Mi.S127. Ref: 04.04.1937

Fridericus 1933, Hindenburg 1933, Wagner 1933, Hindenburg 1934,

Professions 1934, Folk Costumes 1935, Olympic Games 1936, Hindenburg 1936/37, Modern Buildings 1936, Hindenburg 1937/39, Ships 1937, Ostmark 1938, Hindenburg 1939, Buildings 1939, Hindenburg 1940/41,

Buildings 1940, Adolf Hitler 1941


Stamps from Hindenburg 1936/37 Booklet

Three issues - August 1936 (Mi.36.1 & Mi.36.2) and April 1937 (Mi.36.3)


S127 from H-pane 87 (Mi.513+Mi.515). Ref: 04.04.1937
S139 from H-pane 85 (A9+Mi.516). A9 - 'Alles für Deutschland!' (Everything for Germany!). Ref: 17.02.1937
W66 from H-pane 85 (A9+Mi.516). A9 - 'Alles für Deutschland!' (Everything for Germany!). Ref: 06.12.1936

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Hindenburg 1936/37 Booklet

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