14th September 1942
Birth certificate request
Feldpost cover sent from FPN 23098 to Willy Schulz in Offenbach. It appears unusual that a civilian (?) is requesting a birth certificate copy 1) from a senior officer, and 2) one that is from 1816. The letters are displayed below. The final paragraph of the French text states, 'The child's father having declared that he had no use for the child', is possibly a mis-translation or refers to the nature of the fathers relationship with the mother? Ref: 14.09.1942
English translation:
'Extract from the register of birth certificates for the year 1816.
In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, on the sixteenth of January, before Us, Claude Xavier Herbillon-Contant, Deputy Mayor of the town of Bar-le-Duc, acting by special delegation as public registrar, appeared Sieur Michel XXX Stolpen, soldier in the 18 battalion, 28 regiment, 48 company, under the orders of Lieutenant-General de Perich, in garrison at the said Bar, aged twenty-seven, native of Neidorff-Chleisin in Prussia, who declared to us that Gertrude Schmitzen, his wife, native of Aix-la-Chapelle, gave birth yesterday, at four o'clock in the evening, at the home of Mr Gaudry, rue du Repos, to a male child to whom the forename FERDINAND was given.
In witness of which declaration, he presented to us as witnesses, Sieurs François Gaudry, manufacturer, aged twenty-nine and André feuchel, Prussian soldier, aged twenty-six, XXX the first witness domiciled at the said Bar, the second in garrison at Bar-le-Duc, who signed with Us after reading. The child's father having declared that he had no use for the child.'
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