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7th May 1942
Cartolina Postale
CARTOLINA POSTALE PER LE FORZE ARMATE. Italian 'Posta Militare' postcard sent from Greece to an address in Italy. With censor hand-stamp and black ink obliteration (most likely a place name). Featuring a propaganda quotation from Mussolini. Ref 07.05.1942
'La nostra entrata in guerra ha dimostrato che l'Asse non era e non è una parola. Dal giugno ad oggi la nostra collaborazione con la Germania è veramente cameratesca e totalitaria. Marciamo fianco a fianco.' MUSSOLINI
(Our entry into the war proved that the Axis was not and is not a word. From June until today our collaboration with Germany is truly camaraderie and absolute. We march side by side.)
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