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11th January 1943
'Deutsche Reich' imprint

Deutsche Reich imprint
Deutsche Reich imprint
Deutsche Reich imprint
Deutsche Reich imprint

Cover sent from the Association for the Berlin City Mission to an address in Schwerin (and returned). Featuring 3 Pf 'Deutsche Reich' imprint. Ref: 11.01.1943 - 13/99 (also see BV3128).

'Deutsche Reich' imprint stamps

(Extract from Bender, Postcards of Hitlers Germany, Vol.3, see pp128-135)

The popular Hitler head stamp was widely used by firms, organisations and individuals on a wide variety of paper and card stock for various purposes. Printing the detailed stamps often resulted in smearing which required another press run, and thus created a great increase of wasted paper. In a wartime economy and time of shortages, a public order dated 2nd June 1942 stated that, 'for technical reasons the Reich Printing Company would print only future private postcards, envelopes, letter-cards, postal wrappers and other related material based on established outlines. The printing of postcards with newly designed stamps would be per instructions and stock on hand at the Reich Printing Office for the duration of the war and would not be available to stamp dealers or collectors'. The following simplified stamps were to be used only by firms which had recieved official authorisation, and they had to pledge that these stamps would not be passed directly to dealers or collectors.


3 Pf brown on an envelope. Ref: 11.01.1943 - 13/99
8 Pf orange/brown on an envelope. Ref: 05.10.1942


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Deutsche Reich imprint

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