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5th March 1944
Collector's Card 1944

Collectors Card 1944 Sammlerausweis

Collector's card (Sammlerausweis) issued in Wasserburg 5th March 1944. Featuring two receipt cancellations for issues collected from the post office. Ref: 5.03.1944

The cards were probably introduced in early 1943 (it is to be noted that 'The Special Cancellations Stamp', specifically for stamp collectors, was issued 19th January 1943. At first, due to a lack of centrally supplied forms, local makeshift editions were used. These were beige postal forms, some of which were produced regionally and mostly had imprint marks from 1943. The cards had an address field for the recipient of the postage stamps and generally cancellation fields on the back, on which the purchase was noted by affixing a date stamp . However, there are also larger format cards with only one-sided printing. With the fee-based ID card (1 RM ), 20 issues of special stamps, postcards and official stamps could be obtained; in some cases official stamps were not listed on the forms. The ID card was renewed when all 20 fields had been stamped. Postal customers had to collect the issues within 7 days of the first day of issue. Due to a shortage of materials due to the war, it was not uncommon for makeshift forms for collectors' ID cards to be used. So far, based on the stamp date, the Volkssturm stamp from February 1945 is known to be the last issue collected.

Collector's Card (Sammlerausweis) 1944

A postal document (ID for the purchase of postage stamps), usually subject to a fee, which entitles stamp collectors and other postal customers to continuously obtain a certain number of special postage stamps (special stamps , blocks and miniature sheets), but also official stamps, postal stationery and first day covers from a post office within a specified collection period.


 The cards instruction reads as follows:


Special requests cannot be considered. New issues will only be issued on presentation of this card. They must be issued within one week of the 1st day of issue. Otherwise the date stamp (reverse) will be omitted.

Allocation may be limited for smaller quantities of special stamps.

After the 20th issue of special stamps, the application can be renewed against payment of a fee of RM 1.

No compensation will be paid in the event of loss or misuse.


Sammlerausweis with 1 Rm fee stamp cancelled Wasserburg 5th March 1944. Ref: 05.03.1944

Receipt dates in relation to issues being collected within 7 days (as per instruction): 6th March 1944, 22nd March 1944


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Collectors Card 1944 Sammlerausweis

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